
Across The Universe

September 29, 2009

If you ever had the choice to be somewhere for eternity, never having troubles, reality changing to fit your desire, scientific law to matter no more, always going on enjoying yourself, living in peace; where would you go? What would you do?

My dream life of eternity would to float in space, forever. I would go on and on moving at any speed i wish, looking around at the amazing stars, galaxies, planets, and nebula’s around me. It would be peaceful, and i would just move around in outer space going on a voyage of eternity.

This song really describes how i feel:


Brians Blog Is Rated
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
Words Found: sex (2x)death (1x)


  1. When do we leave? I have my passport in hand.

    An endless voyage sounds awesome. Nothing can change your world. Sounds like you are in a good “space”. Lovely post indeed.

  2. Calling out to the astronaut. I need some of what you got.

  3. WEll, give me some too. That person that opus also post for, just pissed me off to the max on another site. Man what a piece of work. Nasty ass little snot. But …. I kept it together and moved on. When does it stop?

    • :owhere?

  4. My rant was for Brian. He is my sounding board.

    I find it curious you responding to this, and not mine or Brian’s previous comments.

    You just don’t get any respect anymore. No one does. ROFL

    • well i didnt really understand brians comment, and i couldnt think of anything to say on your other comment.
      Sorry for being curious about what was happening with carly.. I was really just wanting to know why she has time to bicker on other sites, and yet has no time to spend on her own blog.

  5. She goes on 6 other blogs that I go on. But she seems to focus on me. She is hell-bent to give sarcasm. I get nothing but high 5s from the blog owners but she likes to give sarcasm. It is like she is jealous and has to bring the attention to her. Whatever, I give a shit anymore.

    • i dunno what to say. ive never seen carly act likie this before.

  6. Oo. she is entered in two widget contests too. Whatever.

  7. Zomg BLOG DRAMA!!!! 0_0

    • thats why olly quit

    • Naug…. just ranting. No big deal. Just was in a really bad mood. Like I said I just ignore stuff until I rant. Srry.

      Maybe I am just reading more into things than are there. Probably so.

      Better days ahead I am sure.

      • I always feel better after letting off steam (ranting). It takes away the anger. :p

      • Thanks for understanding! : )

  8. brian i missed your blog-o-versary =o

  9. my blog-o-what?

  10. blog anniversary =p one year of this blog. …i just said that to lighten the mood haha.

  11. 😛 All is good!

  12. My dog got hit by a car today.

  13. OMGGGG!! Is he going to be alright? I remember you always took the dog for a walk while you, cici and I were chatting late at night. I hope he is going to be alright!!

  14. Did you take the dog to the vet?

  15. We tried but he didn’t make it through the car ride.
    My mom and my brother and I were riding bikes on the bike path and he saw a stray cat and chased it out into the intersection.
    What has me perplexed is that he never did things like that. He was pretty trained and controlled.
    But I guess there was something about the damn cat he didn’t like.

  16. Haha I can’t believe you remember that, though. The chatting late at night, I mean.

    It was a different dog then. A puppy actually and she’s alive and well.

  17. Oh, so sorry to hear that. That had to be horrible!!

    I remember everything about those late night chats. They were awesome. And if that puppy dog could talk, he’d probably tell ya he remembers them too. He had to wait for his walk while we chatted it up. xD!

  18. awwww that’s terrible bri…

  19. I got a facebook now. Now i can stalk- i mean friend my friends :p

    • so you’re the creepy guy who keeps sending my e-mails saying “I’m not Opus and I’m not stalking you”? Thought so.

      still on the hunt for a blog name for me

    • Twitter next! ROFL You are just in denial.

      You just wanted to “connect” with Chuck Norris didn’t ya?

      Keep us connected too! : )

      • I like stalking all my friends ;o
        (i have never twatted, tweeted, twetxte..etc and dont plan to lol :p)

    • You have face book crushes?

      • No but i have a school crush ;o

      • Your main squeeze. : ) Life is good!

  20. That last comment from me was in reply to Opus. I thought I had in place, but guess not.

  21. Hey Brian any chance of a new post? I am in dire need of some inspiration, and since I don’t have facebook… =]

  22. This is so bad ❗ , but it is SO FUNNY I had to share!

    Trick or Treat! XD!!!!

    • sesame street…those strange creatures. COOKIE MONSTER

  23. That’s hot.

    • ❓ Hot? Xcore! Hahahahaa

    • New post pweeese?

  24. Brian, check out this band. The vid is just for fun. I got to see these guys in concert. Tell me what ya think. (Does this sound a little beetleish?)

    • My dad has one of their albums, VERY beatlish, reminds me alot of the beatles 😀

      • I thought that as well. I bought a CD. I really like them a lot. They were a good concert. (Your dad has good taste too. =] )

  25. Hey, the song was pretty good to listen to.
    I like the chorus.
    Yeah it uh… it uh reminds me of “A Day in the Life?” Maybe?

  26. Yah, you got a good ear! : )

  27. Oh, I forgot to ask Opus if he saw the Monty Python series this past week on the IFC channel. It was more like a documentary. It was pretty interesting and of course FUNNY.

    Say that would be a great halloween party theme. All Python All Night Long. xd!

    • Yes, i saw it :p

      • Opus, just start you own blog. You know you are dying to do it! You need to just bite the bullet and do it. : )

  28. So. Hollywood Undead.

  29. Hey…look…Zipo. Can you please forgive me for all the terrible things I did to you for no reason? It’s really frustrating having something between us and I’d like to make it all up to you. Anything you want me to do to make it all up to you and fix the bridge between us, please say. I was reading the Chat page on Rainingwater and got nostalgic. I never realised how lucky I was to have a friend like you and just how wonderful you were. Please?

    • PLEASE ZIPO!!! Pretty please! Anything!

      • This is a drama free blog. :1
        “The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn”. I was urged to build bridges as I go through life; and it’s important not to burn those bridges, because you may have to pass over them again.

        Well at least you are working at fixing your bridge. I suspect with time it could hold the both of us.

  30. SO UM??? Hollywood Undead?

    • I’ll pretend I know what you’re talking about =p

    • Brain, who are you talking too? Are you talking about Monty Python? No it isn’t if that is your question. But I like the Hollywood Undead. It is finger poppn’. xDDD

    • UH O….. I spelled Brian wrong. I am out of practice. So srry!

  31. Oh, Brian, my new site is ready and released! Please visit it! Pleeeeease?

  32. Thats cool


  33. Can anyone follow this mess? I reply to a reply and then another reply follows mine and…. where is my comment going? LOL

    Opus did you get my last comment to you as well as Brian (aka Brain… LOL srry again about that!!!)

    Maybe a new post will help the cobwebs in my minimalist brain. 🙂

    • I dont think id be able to do another blog. Oh, and talked to olly today 😀

  34. Hey Opus. Well I saw some of your comments and such on other sites and thought you were looking to express yourself, and well you should.

    Always remember me to Olly when you speak with him. Good times remembered!!!

    Happy Halloween…. I love fall and all that follows.

    • *sniffle*

    • Zipo-Well, i don’t think i’d do good posts, i wouldn’t be happy with the blog name, and i wouldn’t get hardly anyone to comment on there, and not get much hits. (this is how its been on everything i join on the internet.*clears cobwebs on internet inbox*), and don’t worry, i said to hi olly for you :D.
      Josh-You haz cold Josh??

      • I think you do great posts. And what’s in a number? Holy crappola…. there is a few of us here, and it is good. I know you would get a few others as you post and comment on other sites. However, I know that the little gray cells on some of the blogs are not as developed. But you should at least give it a go if you enjoy blogging. I go on sites that no one comments and they are fabulous posts! I learn alot of stuff on those sites. Sometimes it is even better that no one comments!!! hahahahaha

        Glad you remember me to Olly. Now if we could get Logan to wake the hell up. xD!

      • Well yes. But I was HINTING AT ZIPO. HINT HINT =p

  35. Do Not Fold, Bend, Spindle or Mutilate…. good name for any blog! *-*

  36. Hey there were just 2 others on here besides me. One was from OK and don’t quote me, but I believe the other was Olly. I know where he lives and I looked at the map…and you guessed it, that little spot on the map was a glow’n. Now I see he deleted his blog. Dang! But I did save his chat box cuz I listen to it all the time. Like right now. Best music around!!!

  37. Hey wt…. lol… the best song on the tract is gone now. Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks. 😦

  38. Guilty of lurking.

  39. Hello aswell 🙂

  40. Hey Olly!

  41. Hurrah it’s Olly! I know I have a sixth sense now for sure. :)P And you even brought Brian out. 😆 He doesn’t just do that for anyone. xD!

    Glad you didn’t leave without saying hi. This is like a Halloween treat! I hope you continue to lurk and leave some comments too! :’D

  42. yeah talking to opus reminded me 🙂

    and @brian i’m seeing hollywood undead live in november

  43. BOO! This is just too much. I know I am pshychic now! Hey Olly! You are on!!!!

    I just got in the door. The wind is howlin’ out there. Spooks are in the air. xD!

    You lucky duck… Hollywood Undead. Sing it!
    And plz put the Kinks back on the chatbox!! 🙂

    Get out there and raise some “hell” for All Hallows Eve guys!

    • My homemade suit rocks dress suit, sunglasses, all black..etc. All for my costume.. THE MAFIA! I look awesome :p And i have decided to express myself,share with others my thoughts on this universe, and bring my knowledge of music and the arts and philosophy into this world :p

  44. AWESOME! ! !

    Also, you could be a Blues Brother the way you are dressed.

    I must of scared Olly. I probably said Boo to loud. =]

  45. I almost forgot about that chatbox. Theyve taken off loads of good songs from my playlist!

    • If only Mark would randomly appear…

    • Damn Them!!! LOL I wondered who was doing that. Now I know. I will hunt them down like the dog they are. Give’m hell Olly! And tell them I sent ya! I need my tunes.

      by Zipo October 31, 2009 at 4:14 pm

      This reply thing is getting pretty messed up.

    • I reply to a direct comment to me and then someone else replys and then it is wack. LOL

  46. Damn Them!!! LOL I wondered who was doing that. Now I know. I will hunt them down like the dog they are. Give’m hell Olly! And tell them I sent ya! 😆 I need my tunes.

  47. The Musical Soul Blog

    • I am going there Opus, (unless I am bumped) out of line. xd!!! This is epic, and how cool is it to open your blog on All Hallow’s Eve as a returning soul? So light your jack-o-lanterns to keep the evil spirits at bay, and guide the friendly ones home. =]

  48. [pssst…Zipo…have you read my other comments? My apologies and asking for forgiveness and asking if we can be friends again?]

  49. Olly, I hate you. Send me tickets.
    I hate this reply thing. Like when I click on the comment in the sidebar, I can’t ever find the comment. 😕

    Sorry for my absence. I plan on commenting more. In fact I wrote a hella long post two days ago and it didn’t even load.
    But you guys seem to being doing okay with out me.

    Josh, just give it up okay? I mean I don’t mean to answer for Zipo, but I’m sure he’s read your comments and chosen not to answer for a reason.

    • Vous êtes tous me rend dingue *-* Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

      I did answer …. a long time ago.

      • Haha. Silly me, you did.

  50. Ohhh two new blogs to visit??? Awesome.

  51. :-p yeh

  52. :-p ….. can I get an amen? xdddd!

    • that poor smiley face has a lot of tongues ;p

  53. Busy Brian? Or is it love? : )

  54. I’m visitor #9001! Hooray for Brian, nearly 10k.

  55. Screw the numbers. It isn’t about numbers.

  56. Ugh, yes, I’m here and I’m so sorry. We got a new upstairs computer.

    • Christmas is early! : ) What kind did you get?

  57. I NEED TO POST! but I have no good ideas for a post 😦

    • You’ll think of something. You always do. What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Over the river and threw the woods? *)

      Have you seen all the video games they are releasing for this holiday season? Incredible.

      I am starting to worry about myself. I see things when shopping and go… boy Brian would like that or man Opus would like that. Or… well you get the picture.

      Spend $20 at Old Navy, Get LEGO Rock Band Free
      Black Friday is fast approaching and the first stampede-inducing details are surfacing. Old Navy is really taking it to the next level this holiday season by bundling clothes with videogames.

      As part of their Gobblepalooza Black Friday sales event, if you spend $20 on clothes, you’ll get a free copy of LEGO Rock Band, which was released on Nov 2. No word on whether you’ll just be getting a voucher or if there will actually be stacks of LEGO Rock Band sitting in each store, but the fine print reads “while supplies last” and “your preferred platform may not be available.”

      Alternatively, if you buy Rock Band 2 you’ll get a free Rock Band guitar, though the ad states “supplies are very limited.”

      Wait, when did Old Navy start selling videogames? Oh the places retailers will go in a recession.

  58. Oh. The band I’m in is doing pretty well. We’re still doing covers, but still.

    • Now I know I am in deep… I thought of your band on Thurs. They have been advertising a big music jam on HBO for Nov. 29th. It just triggered the thought.

      Have you chosen a name yet? !,,!

      • We’re “Today’s Vitamins”

  59. Brian, you said you disagreed with my tree branch analogy. Please share your opinion =]

  60. Oh My God!!!!!!!! HI!!! I cant belive you still have like this blog and stuff!!!!! I hope you remember me LOL. you better.

    • OMG!!! It is Cicimay!! Christmas just came early! Cici, Brian and I always reminisce and say how much we miss you! Miss you mucho!!!

      • Also, I just recently spoke to zoozoo. This is just great.

      • And I speak to sunny all the time.

        Old times will always be the best times.

  61. really?????? OMG haha, i didnt think you guys would remember me and stuff. I was just on facebook and was remembering the blog and stuff and wondered if it was still here and if you guys were still on!! Awww i cant belive you guys missed me!!

  62. You were our base! You and I and Brian chatted for hours late at night on your blog. O and zoo too. How could we forget you! You deleted your blog and Brian and I were like drowning rats looking for a raft to cling to. 😉

  63. Why don’t you start a blog again…or at best, comment here with us?

  64. haha your funny 🙂 ya i think i would just stay here, i like Brian’s blog, and i wouldnt have time to keep a blog.

  65. Awesome! You can be our raft!

  66. 🙂 for sure

  67. Do you remember sunny?

  68. How much do you weigh? We may have to beef you up. We may need a bigger raft. 😆

  69. This is just awesome. Just like old times. No one sits and has an actual conversation anymore. Now if Brian was on, he would be walking the dog about now. LOL

  70. ummmmmm……sunny.no. all i remember is you and brian 🙂 everyone else was… well i dont know how to put it

  71. so whats new??????

  72. Everyone else was… lol. Yah I what you are saying.

    What’s new… where would I begin? So much. But you can read all of that here. If you have the time. hahahahha

    We are all doing good. And You? Did your sister and family finally move out? hahaha I remember you were not that fond of the bonding. hahahaha

  73. haha!!!!! I CANT BELIVE YOU REMEMBER THAT!!!!!! that seemed sooo long ago!!!! And yes, they moved out and so did i, to another city 😦 i was soo sad. Last year sucked for me,i missed my friends i hated my school and the people there and the teachers and everything. But this year is waaaay better!!!!! And my sister lives NEAR us but not WITH us which i can handle.

  74. Oh, I have total recall. That can be a blessing and a curse! I remember you said you whole family, sister’s family included, were in the car, and at a stop light and someone said something to the affect that it was family bonding. I remember laughing when you said it cuz I had this mental pic of all of you crammed into that car. 😆 I also remember the computer got moved, I think to the basement, so you couldn’t get on it as often. Well a change can be very life altering, but if you can live through it, it can be a positive thing as well. Sounds like it worked out ok. It is just great to talk to you again!! I just said to Brian, that I was beginning to worry about myself. I am beginning to think in terms of real life. When I am out shopping I see things that my computer friends my like as gifts. I think I may be sucked into the computer some day. LOL

  75. I should proof read my comments before I hit submit. It’s almost 11 pm… who give a …. . LOL

  76. I know i miss talking to you guys!! haha its only like 8:50 where i am!!

  77. i dont want to go to sleep! i wanna talk all night!!!

  78. It’s 11pm at my house. I can hear sounds of life far away. I can hear distant sounds of TVs on ….

    Brian is going to kick himself knowing he missed this. He doesn’t come on much anymore, but he hangs in. We should set a time to talk so he can be on too. We can use a chatbox from another friends site. That friend left us, and we miss him very much. We keep our bic lighters on for all lost friends. 😛

  79. haha ya we should

  80. http://xat.com/blinkingyo?p=0&ss=4

    See if that works for you. Make some comments there as to the time you want to meet. Brian can check in there when he gets time. I will always make comments there, so hope it works!!

  81. CICIMAY!
    Are you back?
    Zipo, this is amazing!

  82. I know!!!! Group hug! : )

  83. I wish I’d known you earlier, so I could have known Cicimay and Zoo [well I knew Zoo slightly…but not well]

  84. 😀

  85. sOoOoO what’s up?

  86. nothing, no school so im happy about that. a lot happend with you, ive like missed sooooo much

  87. it’s okay. it’s good to hear from you.

  88. do you remember a few years ago when there were those massive forest fires in Southern California?

  89. are you mad that i left???

  90. ya? what about them?

  91. i just remembered we talked about them a lot on your blog.
    and i’m not mad that you left. people do it and it just happens. i wished you would have checked in more often.

  92. how did you find my blog???

  93. well first i looked up that one blog where you were peaceoutdude but i couldnt remember the name so i looked up cicimay wordpress on google then i found a comment you made and it led to here 🙂

  94. so you have a band?

  95. Clever, Cici 🙂

    Yeah! Well it’s not *my* band. But do you want to hear about it?

  96. YA!!!

  97. The lead singer/keyboard player is Jon. He was the one who start the band and recruited members. I didn’t even have to audition, he just asked me if I wanted to play bass.

    The lead guitarist is amazing. At guitar I mean. And she’s a girl. She also does back up vocals.

    Me: I’m the bass player.

    The drummer, Jacob, is kind of quiet for a drummer. He auditioned and Jon and I both liked him. He’s good at what he does. And his parents don’t get mad at us when we’re rehearsing at his house.

    So there you have it. 🙂 Cici, you should be in a band. I can see it happening.

  98. thats so awsome. and no, i couldnt even picture myself in a band

  99. Par tay! 😛

    I remember the fire conversations. Then Brian was upset when Mr. Arnold outlawed fireworks.

    • PS… happy Veterans Day! We are all veterans of some “fight” I am sure. LOL

  100. Do you realize that so many ppl are home today that twitter is over loaded. Freaking amazing!

  101. what was the last movie you guys saw at the movies???

  102. Where The Wild Things Are
    Haha, you?

  103. Slumdog Millionaire was good, Harry Potter was good, and I know I saw another one… but what the heck was it. No porn. LOL

    I really want to see Disneys A Christmas Carol.

  104. i cant remember but im thinking it was all about steve. I went to go see a christmas carol today but the line was out the door and there were a bunch of kids so i just skipped that. I odnt really know why i asked that 🙂

  105. i neeeed to re-read my comments before i submit them

  106. I can understand everything you said… and agree with it all. 😆

    I have to say, I impressed with the amount of conversation you are getting out of Brian. That’s the most we have heard out of him in a year! LOL

    Maybe I should go away for a long time. hahahahaha

  107. wellllllll thats normal to me 🙂

  108. and they reeeeeeeeaally need new smileys.

  109. They had new smileys quite some time ago… everyone hated them big time. :mrgreen:

  110. A lot of the time we use other little whohas =]

  111. Like texting smileys and other little signs for other little terms of endearments. Some not so dear. hahahah

  112. This is page is starting to load slow, it must have a full load. xd!

  113. ooohhhh i getcha, im bored.

  114. Bored…. look it up… you will see my picture. God what a long day. I didn’t have much to do. Sad but true. I slept in..then was going to out for awhile, but didn’t want to get dressed to go out in public. I have spent the day looking at ppls blogs. Man there are some messed ppl out there. Ha ahaha… not me though. LOL!!! I am going to go eat some dinner, and see if I can find a movie. I have called everyone on my speed dial, so that isn’t an option anymore. I hate it when it gets dark so early. So, what did you do today?

  115. man, you right zipo!! i was looking at comments from different things and it is a record for how many times brian has commented in one day!! 😀

  116. hahah… I am leaving little words out of my comments. It is like a little game. Can you fill in the blanks?

  117. Yah, I bore him. hahahaha

  118. i woke up went on the computer, went to the mall with my cousin,ate, shopped, didnt really buy anything cause i didnt have the money,didnt go to the movies, and went home. Now im here.:)

  119. That is what I said earlier. Maybe I should go away for awhile. 😛 Make him learn to appreciate me. hahahaaa

  120. it’s ok, i leave out letters or make typos most of the time

  121. Well sounds like a good day to me. I am going shopping this weekend with a group of friends. Mixed group. That is why no one really did much today. We are saving up our energy and money for the weekend. We went out last weekend and ate curry at an Indian restaurant. HOT stuff, but good. We try to find a different place each time.

  122. I don’t worry much anymore about typo’s. I used to big time. But nah, I can’t be bothered anymore unless I want to impress someone. hahahaha Can’t do that anymore either. 😉

  123. Did you check out the xat chat link?

  124. it was an okay day, i didnt feel like going out it would have been nice to stay at home. My sister likes Indian, ive never tried it before.

  125. the huh????

  126. I looked today, and nobody sign on. 😦

    Do you go on anyone’s elses blog? Hey did you see zoo on koko’s old site? We do connect there. You should leave a comment. See if she comments back. She comes and goes. She is taking school classes off the internet now. She was having some issues. I think she is doing better now. Hope so anyway!

  127. The huh? haha The chat link way above … it is highlighted.

  128. ohhh that thingyyyyy no not yet, but i dont think ill be going on that.

  129. no i dont go on anyone elses blog, but i will if you tell me i should. I dont go on koko’s blog because i forgot the name of it 🙂 and also because i dont remember her…sorrrryyyy

  130. Oh, ok. Well, I have heard my name called twice now for dinner… and that was like 10mins ago..so I am sure I am going to find my plate has been given to the dog by now. 😆 Jking. We don’t have a dog. I will catch up with you later! This is great.

  131. haha ok byeee

  132. Oh, the blog is dead. No one goes there. Everyone is gone. You haven’t missed anything there at all.

    OMG…. the dog ate my food! hahahahahahahaa

  133. haha. well i got to go too. i have like 20 million tests to study for… 😛

  134. im taking a break from studying 😛

  135. Zipo, I don’t think you’re boring.
    I just had the day off from school today. So more time on the computer.

  136. Do you think you can get zoozoodeem to comment here?

  137. i remember when you used to be peaceoutdude, such good times

  138. I was such a freak.

  139. haha yes you were, just kidding! how long ago was that?? like two years ago. i remember you were into music then to. What kind of music does your band play???? Well not “your” band…

  140. alternative rock.
    I think it would be insanely awesome to have a prog band. That’s my dream 🙂

    Or a screamo band. I wouldn’t take it seriously though.

    Cici, do you like…The Jonas Brothers?

  141. Zipo why did you leave!! It could have been JUST like the old times, if you were here!

  142. Nooooooo, i used to but now they’re just annoying, do you??? 🙂

  143. we are never all on at the same time

  144. I don’t mind them.
    Who do you like?

  145. well, i cant say just one group or person because i like a lot of people

  146. Well give me an example! So I can respond pretentious criticism!

  147. just to let you know, i had to look up the word pretentious 🙂


    • your turn!! now i get to respond with “pretentious criticism!”

  148. Green Album? Like Island in the Sun Weezer?
    Or Beverly Hills Weezer?

  149. Beverly Hills, Island in the Sun, Pork and Beans

    • Pork and Beans cracks me up,

  150. Haha just a second, I need to find my iPod because I can’t think of anything at the top of my head.

  151. especially pork and beans

  152. haha,i had to do that

  153. Lately I’ve been into a lot of Ben Folds, Regina Spektor, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab For Cutie, Cobra Starship, My Chemical Romance, and Hollywood Undead.

  154. oooo, i like cobra starship!!!

  155. “I make them good girls go baaaad”
    *Sheep Interlude*

  156. Go to mylifeisaverage.com. It’s funny.

  157. its not some site that will give my computer a virus or anything right????

  158. No.

  159. im just kidding

  160. you have sooo many hits like every minute there are more and more

  161. It won’t give your computer viruses. But you don’t have to go on it, I just thought it would make you laugh.

  162. LOL! what the heck!! how did you even find that site?!?!?

  163. My friend showed me. Cool huh?

  164. I WAS JUST KIDDING! and it did make me laugh 🙂

  165. Okay 🙂

    I have to go to Chem homework. Sorry 😦
    Talk to you later, Cicimay.
    Don’t go so far away next time.

  166. k byee i have to study anyways, what i was supposed to be doing 🙂

  167. I am here now!!! And it is midnight. Well, next time!! 🙂 Bonne nuit

  168. wow midnight, your up reeealllyyy late

  169. I think Zipo is an insomniac.

  170. whats that?? its funny, we are always on at the same time

  171. He can’t ever fall asleep.

  172. or she 🙂

  173. ohhhhhhh i get it….insomnia,insomniac

  174. Yup (:

  175. your smart, you put the smiley backwards so it wouldnt be that other stupid one

  176. you should post you have posted since like september!!

  177. You crazy guys! Yah, I am one of those “children of the night.

  178. So am I. I don’t start my homework until like 9:00 and I’m up half the night doing it. But I actually enjoy it so…It’s not a big deal.

  179. haha i think zipo was kidding

  180. I was riding my bike a few hours ago and this moth like hits me in the face reeeallly hard and I lost control and crashed into a fence

    • thats so disgusting, I hate bugs soo much,especially moths..are you ok??

  181. So you were driving under the influence of a moth. LOL

    No I wasn’t kidding. The night is the best time of the day. hahahahaa

    Brian I swear, Cici must give you an injection of go juice of some kind. You have not been on your site like this ….well since Cici last had her site. Makes the rest of us look like chopped liver. 😆 Glad to see the old Brian juiced up again.

  182. And I believe you just signed off… Your Light Just Went Out! You can’t fool me. hahahaha

    Bonne nuit!

  183. O=

  184. I am now in love with Regina Spektor, well her music,thanks to Brian.

  185. Sing it! xd!

  186. How goes it in the Golden state today?

    Have a good weekend. Get out there and make some noise!!

  187. im so mad, none of thos things show up on my computer, all i see is the box 😦

    • Huh… really. Need a link instead?

      • yes please 🙂

  188. You guys aren’t chopped liver…I thought I bored you.
    Really, Cici? You listened to her music?
    And ughh I don’t have adobe flash on this computer yet, so I can’t see the video you posted, Zipo 😕

  189. Say… what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

    Respect the turkey! =]

  190. ya i like it a lot,whats your favorite song??


  192. Samson. Laughing at God.

    My mom’s hosting turkey day this year. I’m just gonna try to casually walk out the door because I don’t like my family that much.

  193. No one can see that vid I just posted? Well isn’t that a hoot.

    It was Raindrops/Regina Spector. A little animated vid. Cute.

    I am chopped liver…. ‘fois gras’. : )

  194. Raindrops is good. 🙂

  195. Now I am getting a tad hungry talking about food. I had sushi about an hour ago. I have a headache.
    Mercury overload. LOL

    What… no family love? Holidays are about family… love them or hate them… they are yours. HaHA

  196. haha i liked that one it reminds me of something you would show to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
    I like Fidelity and Eet. I cant put it on my ipod now because my mom lost it!! She wasnt even using it!! 😦

  197. Hey there is 4 on. Will the mystery person please speak up or forever hold your peace or is that piece… ? hahahahaha

  198. This page loads so slow… I could write a letter faster.

  199. Well then your mom owes ya. Don’t tell I said that.


  200. haha i wont ,but she like doesnt even know what she did with it! I didnt even know she took it.

    When i had my blog did i tell you that my sister was thinking about doing like a surrogacy(i dont even know how to spell it) thingy??

  201. NO!!! get out of town for who… we moved to another page now…

  202. oh ok ill tell you there

  203. 😦 my sister got to see Paramore on wednesday 😦 not fair

  204. dang theres a lotta comments here :p

    • Yah, we had to switch to another page cuz this sucker was loading to slow. 😆

  205. It is 1:32 in the a.m. … do you know where your children are? hahahahahahahaha

    I am going to bed.

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