
Can humanists teach Christians a few things?

May 13, 2011

By Norris Burkes

Florida Today

Apr. 22, 2011

Would we have a better world if we had followed the teachings of Aristotle, Confucius and Baudelaire instead of the religious teachings of the Koran or the Bible?

British academic A.C. Grayling believes we would, so he’s written his own version of a bible called The Good Book: A Humanist Bible. It’s an anthology of hundreds of philosophers and writers organized into chapters and verses.

Now, let me quickly assure religious readers that I haven’t gone to the dark side, and this isn’t a book endorsement. However, I do think religious people have something to learn from Grayling.

But first you need to know that Grayling doesn’t follow the anti-religious atheism espoused by the likes of Richard Dawkins. Called by some the velvet atheist, Grayling avoids the militant and is more comfortable with the word humanist.

What’s the difference between an atheist and a humanist?

Well, that’s a tricky question. Most atheists, and certainly all the ones I know, are humanists. However, atheism by itself is simply the assertion that there is no God.

Active stewardship

Humanists like Grayling take their beliefs beyond that assertion and will become active in their care of people, animals and our planet. Sometimes they can sound downright spiritual when describing their views.

Maybe that’s why Grayling recently told Jessica Ravitz of CNN that “each individual has to work out the values they live by and especially to recognize that the best of our good lives revolves around having good relationships with people.”

Graying believes that the only difference between religious people and the humanist is that “humanist ethics didn’t claim to be derived from a deity.”

Wow. Except for that last sentence, the teaching sounds much like the lessons of the Golden Rule and the Good Samaritan parable I learned as a kid in a Baptist Sunday school.

Moral compass

Don’t get me wrong. I happen to think that looking for your moral compass inside yourself is a good way to find yourself lost in a very deep forest. Nor am I endorsing a pot-luck belief system where you are free to believe a little of this and a little of that.

Nonetheless, I think humanists are right about some things.

Years ago, I took a comparative religion class at a Christian university. My professor, while decidedly Christian, believed that each religion, even humanism, has something to teach the Christian.

For instance, the humanist teachings about our planet remind me that God loves all his creation. His creation is the center of his love. When religious people forget that, they tend to become, as the saying goes, “so heavenly minded, they are no earthly good.”

But if there is one lesson I hope the humanist and Christian alike can take away from the Christian Bible, it would be the story in Mark’s Gospel about a father who brings his crazed teen to Jesus asking Jesus to help him if he can.

In the Norris paraphrase, Jesus responds incredulously. “What do you mean by, ‘if I can?’ Of course I can.”

Or more respective of the text, Jesus says, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately, the boy’s father exclaims, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

These words, “help me overcome my unbelief,” probably characterize the struggle most of us encounter, whether humanist or religious.

For you see, we all have unbelief at some time or another. We can all display an unbelieving streak when we fail to believe in one another, when we fall short of our goals to change, and simply fail to do the human thing.


The ice age is coming D:

January 7, 2010

Hey guys. Sorry for my distance, it’s been kinda hectic around my home and I’ve been stuck in this mood since New Years. I had the worst New Years ever and I’m still a bit gloomy about it.

2010: I don’t feel any different. I’m kinda the one who doesn’t really care about this stuff. Like yeah, every year should get better, and every year we should try to improve, but shouldn’t we be doing this all the time? Shouldn’t we constantly have, and be making, ”resolutions”? I’ve always thought of time as this arbitrary thing, so it doesn’t really phase me.

But I must ask if any of your resolutions are working out. So are any of your resolutions working out?

DRUMLINE HAS STARTED!!! GUESS WHO’S PLAYING SNARE?? Brian is 🙂 Guess who’s playing lead marching cymbals? Brian’s icy cold ex girlfriend 😦

I’m sorry my posts don’t really have a point but are probably super boring, so here’s a few videos for you to watch!!

The Online Gamer – I got this off of RWJ’s youtube show. The video has some swearing in it… beware. I thought it was funny when I realized how easily I related to the gamer guy.

United State of Pop – A good mix of the top 25 billboard hits.

Random Thoughts:

When did Emma Watson get so hot?

Have you seen the previews for that vampire movie Daybreakers? It looks awesome and I really want to see it. I haven’t seen Avatar yet, but I hear nothing but good stuff about it.

Peppermint Hershey Kisses are so good. I couldn’t sleep last night so I took a bunch and melted them into this like topping and put it on oreos. It was an incredible experience.

I’m reading Into Thin Air right now. It’s about some Mount Everest climbers freezing to death. I’m so glad I live in California.

I got my permit yesterday. Once I get my license, I’m basically free. I can go anywhere I want. I can go to Magic Mountain every day after school if I wanted to. No more bikes, metros, buses, and angry complaints from my mom when she has to drive me to the gas station so I can get daily 5 Hour Energy. I’m so stoked.

I really want to go to this Tim Burton exhibit in New York. It looks amazing.

And that’s about it that’s going on with me right now.

Peace out,



Tik Tok – Ke$hA cover

January 1, 2010

Therapeutic Smile

December 22, 2009

Awwww. Harry Potter interview:

Here’s an awesome holiday playlist:

Most of it was picked out by my sister, but I need to add to it and send it back to her. Any suggestions?

I’m taking Driver’s Ed 🙂 I get my permit on Wednesday, wish me luck! Today we learned how to properly hit a deer that’s in the middle of the road, so it won’t crash through the windshield and kills us.

I  uploaded my Christmas list, but the format is all off, and I’m too impatient to go back and redo everything. I would submit it the way it is but I’m also a perfectionist and I ughhh. Here’s it is with out the cool pictures:

10 things I want for Christmas:

  • New Alternative Press subscription
  • Aeropostale open plaid pjs
  • Nightmare Before Christmas sweatshirt
  • assortment of xbox, Wii games.
  • money…
  • an airplane ticket to New York
  • a car?
  • Symphony Chocolate
  • assortment of CDs
  • Hamburger bed


Yay, Christmas.

December 3, 2009

Hey guys.

Here’s just a bunch of random thoughts and rambles.

So…being Tiger Woods right now must suck. He cheated on his wife and now every stripper out there who wants a reality tv show is coming out out and saying they’ve had affairs with him. I mean, really? Can you just leave the guy alone? Elin Nordegren should know that t 1 in 4.6 married or cohabitating men have been unfaithful NOT TO MENTION that Tiger Wood’s is a celebrity. There’s really no surprise here.

Lady Gaga makes me SICK. I see at least one of her videos on MTV every morning and it’s just so disturbing that I have to look away. And I’ve seen some pretty disturbing things. Hahahahahha. How do you make Lady Gaga cry? Poke her face. 🙂

The remake of The Karate Kid that’s coming out is going to crash and burn. Will Smith’s producing it and his son’s the main character? It’s an unnecessary remake. Which leads to the question, what movies, do you think, should never ever be remade?

Hmm. How to be popular? Look it up on wikihow 🙂

Oh and jeez, you have to listen to this song by the Christian hip-hop group: “Stuff Christians Like”
It’s called “Christian Side Hug” and it’s literally a rap song about how it’s a sin to hug someone from the front. They suggest that you hug someone from the side to avoid sexual urges. Check it out:

I love it when people make moral issues on stupid things like hugs. 🙂

Uh, that’s all I have today.

Have a super good week 🙂


Nov.23, 2009

November 24, 2009

OverAll Enthusiasm.

November 16, 2009

Haha if you watch FlapJacks on Cartoonnetwork you understand the title of this post (;

Does this not make you smile?


Across The Universe

September 29, 2009

If you ever had the choice to be somewhere for eternity, never having troubles, reality changing to fit your desire, scientific law to matter no more, always going on enjoying yourself, living in peace; where would you go? What would you do?

My dream life of eternity would to float in space, forever. I would go on and on moving at any speed i wish, looking around at the amazing stars, galaxies, planets, and nebula’s around me. It would be peaceful, and i would just move around in outer space going on a voyage of eternity.

This song really describes how i feel:


Brians Blog Is Rated
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
Words Found: sex (2x)death (1x)



September 12, 2009



I’m sorry, Samson, that Delilah was a Traitor.

August 26, 2009

I’m bored so….survey time.


Your name?:
Tommy Lee. Just kidding, it’s Brian.

Nearly 16.

What are you doing after this summer?:

Was this summer good?:
Oh yeah 😎

Did you work?:
No. Nobody wants me to work for them 😦

Any summer love?:
The best ever.

What occupied most of your time?:
Fun, in general.

What did you wish you’d done more of?:
I wish I had more downtime. But downtime leads to apathy after awhile.

Any big accomplishments​?​:
Ummm, probably but I don’t know what they are yet.

Do something you never have before?:
Ummm hahahaha yeah. I bought a calculator.

Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
Well, hopefully.

The one person who has hurt you the most says they love you, you say?
They wouldn’t. So I don’t have to think about that.

Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks?
Yes, actually 🙂

Will you be in a relationship next month?
Well, yeah I would hope so. But you never know, things happen.

What does the first text in your inbox say, from who?

Too much profanity for me to post.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Maybe between my shoulder blades.

Has there been anyone on your mind today?
Yeah, an assortment.

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do?
Tore the tag off my mattress, yesterday 🙂

Does someone else like the same person you do?
They better not.

Do you sleep on a particular side of the bed?

Do you think of anyone and start crying?

Do you tell people your relationship status?
If it comes up, sure 🙂

What is the nearest green thing to you?
Mountain Dew :mrgreen:

Is there someone of the opposite sex you tell everything to?

Do you think there is someone thinking about you right now?
I’m not telepathic, so I would never know.

Do you believe in second chances?

Do you prefer the ocean or pool?

Do you laugh a lot?
Oh yeah 🙂

Have you told anyone you miss them lately?
I miss you Zipo. I miss you Opus. Logan, Zoozoodeem, Narnia, Josh, ect ect.

Do you think that you’re a good person?

Do you currently have a hickey?

Are you able to grab your cell phone without moving from where you are now?
Yes sir.

Did you eat breakfast today?
I was running late, so no.

Has anyone annoyed you today?
Only this freaking girl that sits behind me in European History. She needs to take her stupid fake rays of sunshine somewhere else because it’s making me sick.

Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
My mom. I know, I know. But I love my mom.

What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?

Are you scared to fall in love?
I don’t know.

Do you think teenagers can be in love?
I don’t know.

When was the last time you cried? why?
I. Don’t. Know.

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Do you find it hard to trust others?


Can you honestly say you’re okay right now?
Sure, I guess.

How’s your heart?
Still beating.

Do you think somebody’s in love with you?
Sure, I do.

Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Sure. I could use some cheerful words.

If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?
Ami Winehouse.

If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted?

What were you doing at ten last night?
Probably sleeping X]

What was the last thing you drank?

Did you have a dream last night?
Sure did.

When was the last time you cried really really hard?
Idk. I don’t cry because I’m a man.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

What made you mad/upset today?
The fact that I can’t get my license yet.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I have.

What’s something you can’t wait for?
Tomorrow morning (:

What’s something you CAN wait for?
Ughhhh Chemistry and Spanish /:

What time did you go to sleep last night?
Like 9:00

Do you own more than one cell phone?

How do you feel when someone kisses you on your forehead?

What are you doing at this very second?

Girls are bitches, am I right?
Not all of them.

Are you taller than your mom?

Would you rather watch football or baseball?

When you last got dressed, did you put on your bottoms or your top first?

Have you ever poured glue on your hand just to peel it off for fun?
Hahahahaha isn’t that like skin poisoning?

Did the last person you touched lips with have a tattoo?
Not that I know of.

How many people do you know with your name?
Like one other person. It’s spelled ‘Bryan’ though. Which is pretty dumb.

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Yeah when I don’t feel like talking to people.

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Ummmm no, I don’t think so.

When are you usually on the phone?
At night.

What is the last thing you bought someone?

What’s on your mind?
Terrible nasty things.

Has anyone ever cheated on their boyfriend/ girlfriend with you?
YES! Only once and never again.

When’s the last time you fell asleep watching a movie?
Saturday. That documentary on Erin Brochovitch

Are you counting down for anything?
Christmas. Halloween.

If you could go anywhere right now where would it be?
Iraq. Bosnia ect ect.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone and about what?

Do you own anything that’s tie-dyed?

What are you listening to?
Car alarms.

Do you call it fall or autumn?

Are you feeling guilty about anything right now?

Are you texting anyone?

What is the closest thing to you that is blue?

Do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
No. no. no.

How did you start off your day?

Last MySpace message you received?

Do you hate the last guy, other than family, you talked to?
Not at all.

Where are your parents?
Probably at work.

What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?
She plays snare and she’s really cool to chill with.

Who did you last hang out with?
Idk. People at school.

Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years?
Sure 🙂

Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Who hasn’t?

How long was your last really long phone call?
Like half an hour.

Would you ever stay with someone just because you didn’t want to break their heart?

Okay this was stupid. A total waste of my time. Cya guys later.